Rabbi Gideon Shloush, shared meaningful words of Torah at Manhattan Day School as part of their weekly Rabbinic Advisory Council speakers series. Rabbi Shloush connected parshat Kedoshim with the recent celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut explaining that the message of the parsha is acting with royalty and today in 2019 we still act with royalty because we champion holiness. There is a midrash that when B’nei Yisrael was given the Torah, the skies opened up and they saw Hashem’s throne surrounded by angels holding flags. B’nei Yisrael wanted to emulate the holiness the angels were showing to Hashem so each shevet was given a flag and they camped around the mishkan. Even today, Jews around the world face towards the center, towards Eretz Yisrael, waving our flags. 
If you would like to listen to Rabbi Shloush’s D’var Torah, please click the link below.