Torah in the Park
The Sisterhood once again hosted a very pleasant Sunday in the Park with Rabbi Shua. It was a perfect spring day with a good turnout. The Rabbi led an engaging [...]
Thanksgiving Discussion with Dr. David Ararten
On Thanksgiving Day the community had the rare privilege to benefit from our very own Dr. David Araten's professional expertise regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Dr. David Araten is on [...]
Kabbalat Shabbat with Cantor Joseph Malovany
Shabbat Emor
Shabbat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim
Shabbat Tazria-Metzora
Last Days of Pesach
Complete Model Seder
Model Seder If you are running you own seder for the first time, Rabbi Shloush invites you to watch the series of videos below which review the entire [...]
Shabbat HaGadol