Complete Model Seder
Model Seder If you are running you own seder for the first time, Rabbi Shloush invites you to watch the series of videos below which review the entire [...]
Shabbat HaGadol
Shabbat at Home
Thoughts as we enter the month of Nissan
Chanukah 2019
On the second night of Chanukah, Monday December 23rd, Adereth El held our annual celebration, including a delicious meal and raffle. Pizza, latkes and sufganiyot were all generously donated. [...]
Annual Gala 2019
This past Sunday Adereth El held it's Gala event. It was truly a beautiful evening and we are so appreciative to all who participated. A heartfelt thank you to [...]
Fall 2019 Bulletin
We are pleased to present our Fall 2019 Bulletin which was available during the high holidays. It showcases many of the events and activities that have been going on here [...]
New Sefer Torah
This past Sunday, June 23 was a monumental day for the Adereth El community. A Sefer Torah was dedicated to the Synagogue for the first time in more than [...]
Purim Carnival – 2019
This year's Purim Carnival was a lot of fun. Over 50 families came and enjoyed our fun games and prizes, but the bouncy castle was definitely one of the [...]